
Pictures, Pictures and more Pictures

A slew of holiday pictures - and if you'd rather see all of them here are the two links:

Christmas at the Cabin 2007:


My "forget its christmas, come to a house without decorations and have a fun party right before christmas without presents" party (its a working title):



Snow, snow and snow... then I had to dig out my car:

Things are hard up at the cabin:

Uncle Jimmy had made my mom mad enough on Thanksgiving that on Christmas morning we had to "settle" for French Toast. Now, normally I'm all for french toast, but we normally get wonderful home made christmas breads.

Grandpa was so upset, he boycotted breakfast. I hear Uncle Steven (in Wisconsin) wasn't taking Jimmy's transgressions well either.

The candy that was made, was guarded there was so little of it. We all thanked Jimmy over the coarse of the week...

The "forget its christmas, come to a house without decorations and have a fun party right before christmas without presents" party highlights.

Beer + Rockband = Fun times:



The Office

Two things in one I guess. This clip is from a new website that is working with all the major networks to host all their shows - and allow people to link to parts of the show or the whole show if they want to (with very minor commercials).

This clip is from The Office (episode 3 of this year). I love seeing Ed Helms (he's from the Daily Show) on network TV - and just the unabashed effort that went into this is brilliant:

Edit -- Sorry those outside the USA; I've been told by some Canadian friends that you're out of luck on my Hulu videos. Bummer for you.

Oh, and is there any chance we'll have good media in the next 10 years?



I know its not often I post something completely educational, but this one I think is worth it simple because how elegantly they describe something we've all heard about, but most know little to nothing about.

Sub Prime Mortgage "craptastic"

Now, you'd think I'd link to some US Company or News Corp... but they, like just about everyone else in the US either know exactly what's wrong and will explain it in perfect financial terms that 0.001% of people understand, or they also have no clue and are just screaming "omg omg omg omg"

So, I give you the BBC. Thank god the British can do something right. (And yes, there's lots of pretty pictures)


Two very interesting sections is the 1st and 3rd. Make sure to check the box "how it all went wrong", and on the 3rd, the true correlation between sub-prime - blacks and foreclosures.

Enjoy your edgeumaction.



Hello my neglected audience of few. I'll admit, I'm way behind on any sort of promised blog schedule. I believe I recall once promising video Fridays and Photo Mondays .. or something like that. Who was that crazy guy? No clue.

I've been told by a couple people that by far the time my blog was the funniest was when I was blogging about working out and getting in shape. Well, lucky for those few, its bound to come up again. Ever since Dominos decided to let their drivers have beer, deliver pizza, and run over Subaru's I have been slowly putting on weight. Sure, I hear some of you, "Come on Bryce, you can stand to put on a pound or two", and to you I would like to point out the couple thousand I just spent on suits - which is by far the biggest motivator (I can put on 20lbs and still use that gym membership next month... if I did that with my suits, it would be slightly more comical than me trying to figure out the elliptical machines).

Unfortunately, 10 months after the accident, I'm still not even close to better. I just had an MRI Wednesday on my right hip - so we'll see where that nets me. Hopefully once we figure out what happened to my hip I can start working off this hibernation fat. =)

As for work, I finally feel like I'm understanding what I'm supposed to be starting to understand. Best way I've been able to put it so far is that it feels like I'm trying to drink out of a fire hose. The amount of information, tasks, and legal language that flies across my desk is nothing short of chaos.

Over on our website you can see some details about the recent loans I've worked on closing, which include:

Catholic Health Initiatives for $289 million
Virginia Mason Medical Center for $321 Million
Northwest Hospital for $84 Million
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research for $5.2 million (just a small admin building)

Not to mention I've also been working closely with the executive director on an RFP for our Financial Adviser contract.

Its fun stuff - believe it or not; though I can't wait until I'm more comfortable with the exact workings of the whole processes. Right now I feel like I understand that the gas goes into the car, but I have no idea why we're moving. =P

So, things coming up:

I'll be out in Atlanta mid next year for Bond Law training.... If you know anyone that is able to inject caffeine straight into my veins, could you have them contact me?

I'm sure there's going to be a slew of Christmas pictures and other stuff as I'm finally going to have a break from working during the week of Christmas.

Lastly, I'm working on Alex, in the hopes that he'll be guest blogging once a week all next year - We'll see if I can make the deal sweet enough for him to actually do it. Otherwise you're stuck with my stale and slow content for right now.

Flood links:

There's some great video's up on the local newspaper website. The videos of Tumwater Falls area is very impressive:


I got this picture from my Dad. Yes this is Interstate 5 - the exit for Walmart. I hear that boating through Walmart in the dark is just like a cave; but with cereal floating by.

And not to get too political before the primaries (there's going to be plenty of time for me to do that I presume) - just a funny:


Rain much?

Cooper Point road; one of the busiest intersections in all of Olympia... is not so busy right now.


Car Love....

So, its been a couple years since I've blown too much money on a car - so I have a little bit of car lust going on. The biggest problem is.... which one do I want to lust after the most?

First up we have the new Lotus Elise. This thing is purpose built, and even more uncomfortable to ride in than my Subi (which is saying something).

Pros: Its a riot to drive. Built for the sole purpose of being nimble, quick and fairly affordable (its 2nd on the "price" list of these three cars. Also.. look at it.

Cons: I have trouble getting in and out of it. Yes. *I* have trouble. Which is almost a Pro, just for out obscene it is.

Car #2 - the most expensive (~70 grand). This is the new Nissan Skyline (GT-R) - which is like my Subaru.. if it mated with a Ferrari. This thing is AWD, but has 100 HP on my car - and enough bells and whistles (the middle console was developed by the same people that coded one of my favorite video games - Gran Turismo) to make even the most info / toy happy person satisfied.

Pros: AWD, Huge huge performace; might actually be a better ride than the Subi (Okay, it would be).

Cons: Its 70+ grand. Ouchy. For a Nissan. Ouchy ouchy.

Ahh, the Volt. My little voice of reason (hahhahah.. reason in THIS list?). The promise of a gas free commute, and probably the nicest ride of the bunch (specially at only ~30 grand).

Pros: Gas Economy. Saving the planet (ha).

Cons: Its built by GM, so my repair bill is going to suck. That and I'll need a premium AAA account.

Side Note: Seattle Seahawk's kicker Josh Brown is awesome


Back to regular scheduled programming

Congradulations Steven and Tammy!

The kid in me says: Get her a Nintendo. Everyone loves Nintendo.

"Dude, that last post was a bit.."

More than once in the last couple days I've received a couple messages and emails that my blog has taken a turn to the 'gay'.

In one friends words, "Next post better be able to be decribed by the following: Boobs, Blonde, Babe"

So, on that note... BRING IT HOME RUDY! Oh and make sure you stick around for the stripping at 1m30sec in. Hot.


One for you Mom:

Not often I get to find something on the internet specifically for my mom. About 5 years ago, to a challenge of "I bet I can find anything on the internet", she mentioned a Brian Boitano skating special - to which I knew I was going to be pretty screwed. I mean, when it comes to posting up videos and such to the net, Brian Boitano doesn't rate real high on a lot of people's radar.

But, anyways Mom. It might have taken me 5+ years; but thanks to YouTube, and my inability to lose any arguement, I give you Brian Boitano: Canvas of Ice


Brilliant Candids:

Just a great link to some brilliant candid photos. Personally, the one below is my favorite:



Time to cry laughing

Enjoy - until its taken down. Starts a bit slow, but hardest I've laughed in a long time:


Photoshop anyone?

I was going to photoshop this one of Dad, but I just don't have that type of free-time at work anymore

Laserbeam coming out of his hands blowing up the semi?

Maybe a ... Karate Chop!

Meh - that's all I have for now. Good picture Dad - always count on the downed power lines bringing you out. =)

Source (so I don't get sued or something):


Something we all can agree on

Fairly certain we all can nod in agreement on this subject:

(It is breast cancer awareness month - I'm not JUST dirty minded)

BTW When is testicular cancer month? Not that we need to be reminded to... nevermind.


My neighbors love me..

If I had time, I would totally do that.



I understand its been a while since I've given the 3 of you that actually check my blog anything of substance beyond a Daily Show link, or a picture of something pretty (me in the suit comes to mind). So I will do what I can to change that this evening through the help of a couple glasses of wine. Please excuse the inevitable (geez, took me 3 attempts to even get inevitable close enough for spell check), spelling mistakes and misused words.

We'll start with the obvious and most boring. Work. Okay, so its not really that boring, but I'm sure you don't really want to hear about how the downgrade of the bond insurer Radian has lead to a steep (and slightly psychotic in nature) increase in the variable rates of some of our borrowers. Its exciting stuff I tell yah. Seriously. I love it. That's all you really want to hear right?

Not convinced huh? Okay, I'll let that one go for now. Just don't get me started in person, I might not be as forgiving and you might end up with a knowledge of municipal bond insurance that you didn't want. Besides the aforementioned variable rate drama, there really hasn't been anything monumental from my 6 week old perspective. I am to understand we're busier than normal, which has made the learning curve even that much more challenging, but everyone I meet as been an extremely pleasurable experience and I couldn't have asked for a more exciting place to learn.

For those that are curious what I'm working on currently you can always look on our website: http://www.whcfa.wa.gov/loansinprocess.asp

Missing from that list (Just noticed - which means I have work to do in the morning), is a deal with Airlift Northwest for two new helicopters and I believe one more, but its escaping my memory. Hopefully by the time you look at the link, I've updated our most recent applications.

Onto more fun items.

Are you ready? This one is... Legen.... Dary (for those that don't understand how I met your mother reference, I'm sorry).

Tow (James) had a housewarming this weekend. Now that in itself wouldn't be a legendary occurrence.

Strippers, 15 bottles of Gray Goose and 75 people in a 1400 sq/ft house would be....

Unfortunately, we only got Doug to show up:

But hey, beggars can't be choosers right? So we made do and had one heck of a good time. None of us actually knew Doug was evening coming (12+ hour drive from Cali to Washington for a housewarming warrents a blog post i think)

I found out through a phone call, 10am, at work Thursday:

Doug, "Hey Bryce ... so.. how good of friends are we?"

Bryce, "Pretty good - why what did you do?"

Doug, "Ha. Well I'm about an hour outside of Portland heading your way. Can I sleep on your couch?"

Bryce, "Uhm, wow. Okay. Well I actually have a spare bedroom - its all your. The garage code to get in is .... Oh. And Forrest is going to bite you (he did)."

Doug, "Cool. See you Tonight"

And henceforth legendary tow housewarming was born.



I was going to now post up the pictures from the Red Bull Soapbox derby, but I will do that once you all have had enough time to soak in "the doug".


Finally a commercial that gets men.

Red-bull soapbox derby pictures coming very soon.

--I know, I'm a week+ behind.


Daily Show > *

Probably the best thing about the Daily Show is if you come onto the show to pitch your book, and its something has horrible of this idea as "If you ran your life like a politician - you'd have a successful, fulfilling life", you best be ready for a fight.

Bonus points for understanding the reference to the Prince (by Machiavelli)


I'm back

..and a bit tired. Some photos for now:

Click for the whole album


Very interesting...

I felt this was an extremely interesting read:

60 minute transcript of the interview with President Ahmadinejad

And another one... Interesting to know Iran doesn't have a single gay.



Scott Adams (Dilbert) getting Political

I was happy to hear that NYC didn't allow Iranian President Ahmadinejad
to place a wreath at the WTC site. And I was happy that Columbia
University is rescinding the offer to let him speak. If you let a guy like
that express his views, before long the entire world will want freedom
of speech.

(Yes, for those who research what Dilbert says as "fact", Columbia did not cancel his appearance - though there were cries for it; hence the Satire. What Scott Adams is known for)

UFC 76

Currently the only good source for UFC 76 I've found is BitTorrent (PirateBay)

If you need a bittorrent downloader, I use uTorrent

I'll post up other ways to get the show if I find them. Best bet is to goto Stage6.divx.com and search for UFC sorting by Date added.

Oh, and yet another round of those very interesting Halo 3 Commercials:

Things this one makes me curious about:

1) He seems very sad talking about Master Chief. Sacrifice for humanity?

2) Anyone else wonder why they need a "Museum for Humanity"? Ha. Sucks I'm going to be out of town when this game is released.


Top Gear

(Have to say, looking at that picture its hard to say for certain the Volt will be my next car.... that Atom sure looks fun)

Finally some great news:

Top Gear will be back on your screens with a brand new series on Sunday October 7.

Of course by "on your screens" they mean on BBC2 - which for me, means I have to find a bittorrent download and watch it on my computer screen. Doesn't matter to me, I'm happy they're back.


Subaru! Say it isn't so....

Subaru has decided to change the new STi (my car) to a hatchback.





Gah - Seriously...

Seriously, the famous people in my life need to stop dieing.

Robert Jordan, 58, Author of the Wheel of Time (those huge books you'd seem me carrying around periodically) died Sunday:

He did not get to finish book 12, which was reported to be the end of the series.


Just because this probably won't make the news here and because he's been up in videos on my blog before:

Colin McCrae - ex-lead driver for Subaru, and voice / inspiration behind many rally video games (including Colin McCrae "Dirt" for the 360), died in a helicopter crash.

Very sad day for rally racing fans.

From Subaru World Rally Team (www.swrt.com)
"All of us at the Subaru World Rally Team are shocked and upset by the tragic news of Colin McRae's death, which was announced on Sunday. Colin was Subaru's first World Champion and a man who almost single-handedly brought the sport of rallying to the attention of millions around the world. He was an inspiration to motorsport fans and remained a close friend to many of us in the team. At this terribly sad time our thoughts are with Alison and the rest of Colin's family."

Video from X-Games 2006 - still exciting the 50th time I watch it.


Round 2 of Halo 3 Videos

I guess they are going to be touring the country with the diorama; which is over 1200 sq/ft. Great marketing.


Cute Overload

Click on Pic for story


"He gave us hope"

Interesting marketing:

Higher Quality - Including full screen for those that have installed Divx Web Player:


Rally Racing > *

This last weekend Rally New Zealand was held, and to absolutely no fanfare in the USA, the race finished with one of the closes battles in history.

After 354KM, 3 days of racing, and over 3 1/2 hours of race time, Marcus (Ford Driver) won by 3 tenths of a second. Understanding that these guys never see another competetor on the race course, and its simply skill & car that determines the time, its just obscene that there would be a finish that close.

For those that want to watch coverage of the race - you'll unfortunately not be able to unless you download them illegally - since we don't get any significant TV coverage here. =(

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Honestly, unless you're a true fan, watching all three days (~25 minutes per) is a bit long; just download the 3rd day if you want to see how fast, close, and beautiful the New Zealand roads are. If you do watch it, please ignore the fact of how bad Subaru has been doing. Taunting me off my own links is strictly prohibited.


CoB: Friday

Well, one official week as an assistant executive director, and its definitely been a "welcome to a whole new world" type of a week.

So far I've personally worked with Highline Community Hospital (120 million), Northwest Kidney Center (12 million), Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center (5.2 million), Seattle Cancer Care Alliance House (24 million), and Virginia Mason Medical Center (300+ million).

As you can see they are throwing me into the fire, and seeing if I burn. Ha. Actually it has been a very kind and fun week; though this weekend is going to be spent reading around 400 pages of Virginia Mason paperwork for a meeting this coming Tuesday in Seattle. Unluckily for me, since a good portion of these deals have been in the works a for a while, the amount of catchup reading is a bit intense.

It is looking like the first project I'll get to see from open to close will be either the Fred Hutch or the Seattle Cancer Care Alliance House - depending on board approval. I have to say, there was a bit of a pucker factor signing off a document about their application to the CFO of Fred Hutch. Somehow this all doesn't feel 100% real just yet. Quite exciting.

Anyways - Check out my next new car:

Yeah, I know. A Chevy? Well - we'll see if everything they say pans out, or if someone else beats them to market, but I've been waiting for a car like this for a real long time. Chevy is calling it an EV (Electric Vehicle) with a "Range Extender".

Basically, its just a hybrid (you fill it up with gas), that can go 40+ miles before it engine kicks on. For your daily commutes, you can actually go without using a drop a gas all week long (just plug it in when you get home). That, with the added effect that is actually doesn't look half bad, is a combination I'll give a go.

Of course trying to actually express interest in a car that a dealership can't make money off of in the next couple months is a difficult processes. I swung by Bruce Titus in Tacoma - hoping they'd have an interest list I could put my name on, and one of the sales guys didn't know about the car; the other guy did, but said "We aren't going to be starting a list until we have one in. Just keep stopping by and see if we know anymore"..... that doesn't make much sense to me, but whatever. I'll go find a dealership that will actually work for me, and my thousands of dollars.

No new Daily Show / Colbert Report video links this week, as Steven and Jon are both on vacation for a couple weeks. =( They couldn't have timed it better for me though; no reason for me to stay up late. Nothing like a good 8+ hours of sleep to make sure researching the difference between a 365 and a 30 / 360 amortization schedule doesn't put you to sleep. Ha.

Lastly, as promised the links to UFC 74 did die below.... so... round two! This is only the 2nd part (88 minutes) which has both good fights. MUCH better quality (as just about everything Stage6 is)


Long awaited update

*IMPORTANT* Please watch:

I'm not sure why he's the only one to be able to do it, but in less than 4 minutes, Jon Stewart sums up why we're hated in the middle east, why Americans are frustrated with the policies there, and why when we're told its a "new plan" we don't really believe it.

Its been a real crazy week or more. The weekend of the 17th through the 19th was a crazy final hurrah at my old job. Multiple nights into the late evening (10pm to midnight) attempting to get the whole program moved into the new building. As always there was some drama - though all said and done it was a great way to end my stay. Its hard to believe I had been there for nearly 10 years.

After that weekend, I decided I needed a week to recover and prep for the new job. As typical me, my idea of recovering and taking it easy didn't quite pan out. Monday I went into work to say goodbye, fix a couple more computers and pickup some "light" reading for my new job (450 page bond and about 20 periodicals for the week). Woops. There goes part of the week.

I decided to ignore that responsibility for the time being and went down to the bros Tuesday. Some golf, some smoked ribs, and some Xbox 360 was exactly what the doctor ordered. ;-) Great times - thanks Scott!

I don't really know where the rest of the week went, but it had something to do with a playtest for Microsoft, new cell phone, new suits, picking up dry cleaning, reading 500+ pages of reading, and who know what else I can't remember now. >.<

All I can say is I feel prepared for the new job. And now, simply because I promised a couple different people that I would.. the first... in sadly a couple promised shots of my new "wardrobe". -sigh-

And yes, the 8 foot weed in the picture is intentional. It allows me to assume the slight giggle coming from your computer is actually about it. Thank you. Move along now.

***These links are going to break***

UFC 74:

If all you want to see is Randy, hit play and drag it to 47 minutes in. Nothing like a 44 year old vs. a 28 year old. Makes getting old not look too bad.


Wedding #2 in the books. Best wishes to Tom and Jana Music.

There's a last name that would be nice to have. Yes, I'm Mr. Music. Was a very tough wedding to shoot - and I found out I'm not nearly as good (or equipped) for dark indoor conditions. =(


Oh, I fear... this is about my blog

I think this guy has been reading my blog.


The Impotence of Proofreading:


Guitar Hero...

Dueling Banjos.

Takes a while, but if you've ever played GH, its worth the wait until the "good" part:


Free Concert

More stage6 stuff - sorry if you haven't downloaded the plug-in yet. Not my fault. =))

This is Bela Fleck, and the Flecktones. I've heard them before, but never really 'listened' that closely to them. This is a 1hr 30 minute video; so I doubt many of you will really sit here and watch / listen to it all. Though try this.

Start it, then stop it. That will get it downloading. In 5-10 minutes come back to this page, and "fast forward" to 35:45 and listen for a couple minutes at least. Great great stuff. I just hope the folks at Guitar Hero don't see it. lol


Really? Seriously?...

If you didn't see this, its totally worth a watch. A skater at the X-Games falls around 40-50 feet.... and walks away from it. In all rights, he basically falls out of a 4 story building, and within a couple minutes walks off. (slow motion at the end of the video)

La Times:
"My wrist is pretty sore and my back and neck feel like I've been through a car accident," he said Saturday morning during a phone interview. "I guess I've got a fracture in one of my vertebras, but it's pretty minor supposedly, so I came out all right."

Brown, 32, is fortunate to be alive after crash landing from more than 45 feet during Thursday night's skateboarding big air competition.

He also sustained bruises to his liver and lung, and a mild concussion. The liver injury is what's keeping him under watch at California Hospital Medical Center in downtown Los Angeles.

"I'm going to check out today," said the Carlsbad athlete, whose wrist injury is a small bone fracture. "I'm just waiting on an X-ray, and they want to make sure my liver's not still bleeding. I just want to get out of here, dude."


Assistant Executive Director

Hmm... That kind of has a nice ring to it. No?

Assistant Executive Director. Would be nice to have that title.


Oh wait, I mean, it WILL be nice to have that title come the 27th of August! Woo hoo!

Also hard to leave a wonderful place like the Energy Program (Which I have been working at for 9 years now), but the new challenge is invigorating. I guess my at work blogging, picture editing, web surfing days are very limited now. =P Some sacrifices are necessary though. =)

Oh, on the note of pictures - one I took last night of my neighborhood:


Sell out?

Yes, as you might have noticed there are two ads that now sit just above my posts. This is more a curious attempt then it is anything else. Feel free to click on them - heck, any money I actually get I'll use to take a friend out to dinner. Promise. =)


This will break soon - I'm sure

Found a site that has the new Pixar short, "Lifted". To view this you'll probably have to install the Divx player (its like Adobe's Flash Player (youtube), but better).

Feel free to hit that "full screen" button on the player. Works great.

..and this is just a bonus video for those brave enough to download the player. I hope I move that good when I'm his age. Hell, I wish I could move that good now.


Win $100

This just might be the easiest, and quickest way to win $100. I kid you not.

All you have to do is email me your birthday, and when I forget to wish you a happy birthday, you get $100. Bingo!

Now, a couple little rules here. You have to give me two ways to contact you (phone and email would be handy). If you change these and do not tell me - that is not my fault. I will wish whoever I actually get on the other end a happy birthday and cross you off my list. =)

Why do this? Well, its just such a simple thing (wishing someone happy birthday), and something I am completely horrible at doing (partly due to a lack of information). So, couple that with the fact that I don't really like losing $100, and I just might be able to fix this problem. Or go broke.

Those that are automatically entered:
Mom, Dad, Grandpa, Scott (though not Rachael), Jimmy, Steven. I'm sure right now my Mom is thinking "haha, do you even know all those birthdays?"

9/18, 1/4, 7/9, 11/27, 5/25, and 1/25, respectively. Right back at you Mom. =)

So, seriously - shoot me an email (kerker@gmail.com) so I can add you to my list.

Anyone is welcome to "play" - just make sure you actually want to talk to me on your birthday. =P


Guild Vote - Final Round

brOdouls will be used as our initiate guild. It works on just too many levels not to be used there.


One of the best...

Ah - after a two week break (sniffle), Colbert and The Daily Show are back.

Thank goodness, since they are some of the best TV out there.

"You're going to want to keep some pressure on that." Ha. I dare you to not laugh out loud:


Guild Vote - Round 2



*Edit: Sorry about all the mistakes - tired.

House mess: 9 out 10
Hours slept: not enough
Hand Pain from Guitar Hero: 9.5 out of 10

Fun of Party: 10 out of 10

Good times - thank you everyone who made it out to wish Alex and me a happy birthday.

Side note: If they ever happen to make Violin Hero (hahaha) - this just might be the final song you have to beat. >.< Amazing stuff


Oh, you silly news organization....

You'd think if you're going to call Michael Moore out on his lies in Sicko, you would actually have done some research - not just hoped he'd take it lying down. Before an interview with Moore, CNN aired a bunch of claims about the falsities in Sicko; Moore promised to take each one of their claims and post actual references to each of them on his website after the interview.

Moore did - and CNN looks like just about any 24 hour news organization these days. Awful.

Forgot - did I mention there was a party this Friday & Saturday?


Guild Vote - Round 1!

(party?)Decision time. A group of us are looking for a name to call ourselves (for those completely clueless, think a company name). So, I figured the best way to narrow some of the choices down was to just throw them up here for a bit and let people vote away =)

Quick background on these 3 choices (Or just go down and pick whatever your think looks cool):

Decorus Nex: Latin for Beautiful Death

The Plantium Scarab: Not much to it - an item from the very first game we all play together

brO'douls: This one is from Dan. Its basically a term that started as slang for the designated driver "he's the brO'douls tonight"; which progressed into referring to anyone that has your back. I thought it was unique enough to put to the vote.

Dave Barry Wisdom

Come to the Party:

15 Things it Took Me Over 50 Years to Learn, By Dave Barry

1. Never, under any circumstances, take a sleeping pill and a laxative the same night.
2. If you had to identify, in one word, the reason why the human race has not achieved, and never will achieve, its full potential, that word would be “meetings.”
3. There is a very fine line between “hobby” and “mental illness.”
4. People who want to share their religious views with you almost never want you to share yours with them.
5. You should not confuse your career with your life.
6. Nobody cares if you can’t dance well. Just get up and dance. (This one is very important.)
7. Never lick a steak knife.
8. The most powerful force in the universe is gossip.
9. You will never find anybody who can give you a clear and compelling reason why we observe daylight savings time.
10. You should never say anything to a woman that even remotely suggests that you think she’s pregnant unless you can see an actual baby emerging from her at that moment.
11. There comes a time when you should stop expecting other people to make a big deal about your birthday. That time is age 11.
12. The one thing that unites all human beings, regardless of age, gender, religion, economic status or ethnic background, is that, deep inside, we ALL believe that we are above average drivers.
13. A person, who is nice to you, but rude to a waiter, is not a nice person. (This is very important. Pay attention. It never fails.)
14. Your friends love you anyway.
15. Never be afraid to try something new. Remember that a lone amateur built the Ark. A large group of professionals built the Titanic.


Movie Reviews:

Figured I haven't done this in a while; and I've managed to see a couple movies lately - so what the heck. Movie review day!

First and most important: Transformers

There's really not much I can say about this movie. If I had no clue what transformers were and only had the use of one of my 5 senses - this still would be worth 10 bucks to see (hear?... smell?... touch?). Doesn't matter, its brilliantly made.

By far one of the best movies I've seen in a long time. Exciting, funny, gorgeous. Go see it. Now

Second: Evan Almighty

Wasn't a BAD movie. But, wasn't something you need to see in the theater. Throw it on your Netflix queue and if it somehow makes it to the top - you won't be disappointed. Its much "cuter" and less funny than I expected. There are absolutely some laugh out loud moments; which is all I guess you can really expect.

Last: Firewall

Holy Crap - what an awful movie. I put this on my Netflix queue simply because it was in HD. Lucky Me. I got to see high definition crap, which is surprisingly similar to regular crap - you're just more sure its crap. The only way to save this movie is to watch the first hour - then shut it off. Imagine your own ending - I promise you'll do a better job.

I mean, near the end you have Harrison Ford fighting a couple of bad guys in a fairly unbelievable fashion. Even if you suspend disbelief that the same guy that on the fly wrote a command line entry to stave off a hacker attempt is now also able to go toe to toe with a guy 1/2 his age, it is very hard to believe that his family which he came to rescue runs away to "safety" because since their hands are tied behind their backs they can't help him. I guess none of them played kick ball.

On top of that, after Harrison wins (really, did I ruin it for you? good, now you don't have to see it), the family comes out of the woods with their hands untied and all happy like. If I was Harrison I'd be like - what the hell guys?! First you run away because your hands are tied up, then you managed to untie them on your own and you don't come back. Screw you all - you can stay here.

Best part is the movie is wrapping up and as they go back to the car the family dog (yes, he was part of this whole mess too), barks a couple times. Now this normally wouldn't be an issue - except they used the wrong "canned" bark - it wasn't the same dog bark they used in the rest of the movie. Also the dog, which is on camera, is clearly not barking at all. Brilliant.

Someone needs to be fired....

Olbermann vs. Bill O'Reilly

Honestly, Fox "News" should just go away.

..and yes, I know this is the second Olbermann clip of the week - He's on a roll though. ;-) That, and the place I get my "real" news (Daily Show / Colbert Report) are on a week vacation.




Party, Party, Party

So its been a little while since we've had a big get together - specifically a "Alex & Bryce Birthday Party"

But now, its offical. July 13th (Friday) and July 14th (Saturday) - yes, two days - are party day(s) at my house. Anyone (yes, even you Mom) - anytime, for however long you can manage. We're planning a bunch of games (both board and video), including a couple brand new ones I've never seen or heard of before.

Bring whatever you'd like, or nothing at all. I'll have pizzas, drinks, chips, and a dog to bite your ankles... all free of charge.

If you need directions, just send me an email (apisatrox@gmail.com).

So, come join in the Multi-birthday, housewarming, video game, weird board game party extravaganza™

*Clarification (due to some emails): Alex and I are hanging out together for our birthdays. This is 100% informal. If you show up and you're bored, you should have brought someone or something. =)


Forza 2 - Video 2

Second video in probably a long running series. =)

This one is just a demo of me having a load of fun with the wheel (took me a while to figure out how to put two videos in one - I'm a lot better with photography than cinematography). I'm driving a 1965 Shelby around a track called Maple Valley. Not much of a surprise, a 1965 Shelby does not handle very well. I'm having to give it a lot help through the corners (both wheel and throttle).

Just also have to give another quick "thank you Dad" for the wheel stand. As you can see in the video, even with all the force I'm putting into the wheel, the stand never even budges.

**The two videos are the same. The bottom one is a YouTube alternative; which I think looks better**


Jealous Photographer

NASA has what I like to call a clear unfair advantage:

Gutless Parents - Pet Peeve

"In the beginning I said, 'Spencer you know, you ought to be wearing a helmet with this skateboarding stuff','" Melinda Kinley said. "'Oh no Mom, nobody wears helmets when they skateboard,'" was what he replied, Spencer's mother said. Reference

I heard this story getting ready this morning. It was on GMA, and supposed to be this sob story about this wonderful piano player - who died skateboarding, when he hit his head.

The parents, and the reporter go onto blame skateboarding culture and media as to why their kid is dead. What a load of crap. Their kid is dead because they were more worried about keeping their kid happy with them than they were about keeping their kid safe. I wouldn't (didn't) have had a choice as a kid. Put the helmet on or else. Or else meant not only would the skateboard be gone (and not gone like put somewhere in the garage, but "i have no clue where the hell it went", gone), but I'd be doing extra chores.

Parents need to 'man up' and start being parents. Its seems like so many parents really want their kids to be their friends over being their kids. In the immortal words of Red Foreman (That 70's Show) "Why the hell would you want to be friends with a 15 year old. They're all a bunch of dumbasses".

Having laws, rules and product "safety" be the main means to protect your children is simply just bad parenting.


Wedding Shots...

So I'm a little overwhelmed with the number of shots from the wedding (580) I attempted to capture on Friday; not to mention it was a bit "unorthodox" for a wedding.

One example would be I do have a shot with 9, yes, count them, 9 bare asses. I actually have about 10 shots of that. Makes for a beautiful animated shot; though not really sure I should post that one online. =)

Of course, not all the shots were of that... nature. I did manage a couple lucky ones. ;-)



Up-close and personal

And.. a telsa coil playing music. Including, original Mario Brothers. =)


Mountain Trials - 2007

Well after driving a bunch this weekend, I'm now back from helping run the Mountain Trials up in Merritt, BC. What an amazing time. From the great people I met (Paul, Leigh-Ann, Diana, and more) to the great views and cars - there was little chance I was going to have a bad time.

For a good portion of Saturday I was the guy standing in front of the rally cars, counting them down to send them on stage (Nicola). A great rush, and a hectic pace (1 rally car every minute). From checking in and signing their time car, informing them of any offs other competitors had (or cows in the road), sending them off, and reporting them offically on stage - there were plenty of items to keep me busy.

Obviously I didn't get to take many pictures of Nicola - though I was lucky enough to get stuck with a radio control point and operator (Diana, consumer of mass quanitites of beef jerky). So while there I was able to take a lot more photos. Diana had the hard work of keeping track of what order the cars were supposed to be passing us and radioing back to net control if someone was missing. I, honestly, didn't really have anything of any importance to do (just had to drive her sorry but around). All I remember is her whining about it raining and not able to bring her bike up or something. It was a great way to end the day though. Cars, pictures and a low level of responsibility. Good thing when we were both loopy tired.

The pictures from Helena stage are here:



Someone has more freetime than I do..

Largest island in a lake on an island in a lake on an island

Vulcan point in Crater Lake on Vulcano Island in Lake Taal on Luzon (PHI)

..and what bored environmental science major spent their time on that one. (Miah? Melissa?)



New camera lens

Got a new camera lens on Friday and spent a couple hours trying to get used to it.

The rain didn't really help, so I changed my idea of shooting around the capital (lake) and went to a cemetary, then around famers market. Had to practice shooting from the hip (litterally) as getting candid shots just doesn't work when you stare at people with a camera up at your eye.

Oh, and:
The Beast is back


Forza Race #1

I'm sure there will be more to come:

Step One: Click the link below for the still picture / caption walk-through
Step Two: Come back and watch the video of it. =)

The Gallery

Road Atlanta June 5th, 2007 (Doug vs. Bryce)

What is dead?

Since I have two family members who actively save lives every day, I thought this was a very interesting study going on:

Basically its a study on exactly how we die - at least dieing from cardiac arrest (lack of oxygen). The interesting thing is they looked at individual cells under a microscope after being oxygen deprived for an hour, and there was little to no difference.

From this study, it looks like cells die when oxygen is resumed to the cells, trigging the mitochondria into their anti-cancer self destruct sequence (yes, AP Biology / BSCS is still sticking with me).

Basically they think now that ER rooms are doing things opposite, by giving people oxygen - where they should be cooling them down and slowing bring them back. In a very small sample study (34 people), the theory saved about 80% of the people - whereas traditional methods saved only about 15%.

Again - just one study, and a very small sample size - but interesting nonetheless.

MSNBC - Newsweek on Changing the way we think of death


Off my radar

I have to admit, I feel like I read a good chunk of news stories, watch news programs, and even spend time in some off-beat news areas, but this story completely missed my radar, and I'm a bit curious why its not covered a bit more (slight sarcasm there).

I'm still reading up on it today, but I'll see if I can get it boiled down. (sorry if its a bit choppy, I'm still reading up on it some - I just wanted to get it posted)

Sergeant Adam Kokesh (Marines), was honorably discharged to the Inactive Ready Reserve

Since he's become an outspoken individual against the administration, see pictures below:

A mock military funeral, at the Hart building on the hill - where Kokesk was arrested for Unlawful Assembly - Loud and Boisterous (even though he didn't once open his mouth).

Speaks for itself (at the Gonzales hearing)

Well, the Marines now to "keep the order" in the IRR want to prosecute him and "separate him from the IRR with an Other Than Honorable Discharge." Kokesk requested this trial take place near Washington so his witnesses could attend (as he and most of them live in DC). The trial was scheduled in Kansas City. The Marines would fly Kokesh, but none of his witnesses there. (A member of Veterans For Peace stepped in with a bus for the rest)

The trial is today, and I'm definately interested to see how this whole story falls out. I leave you with a bit off Kokesh Blog:

I joined the Marines out of patriotism. I said that when I enlisted in 1999, before it was cool, and even wrote it as my reason on the form I filled out at the Military Entrance Processing Station. As Thomas Jefferson said, “Dissent is the highest form of patriotism.” Now that I am out of the Marines, I am continuing my patriotic duty by speaking out. It is Marines like you, Brigadier General Moore, and Colonel Brown, who are preventing the American public from hearing the truth about Iraq by intimidating those who would disagree with you from speaking out. If the policies that you support are so righteous, why are you afraid of the truth?

If I accept this “plea bargain,” I would have to allow you to punish me for speaking my mind, allow you to say that it is somehow less than honorable for thousands of IRR Marines to exercise their freedom of speech, allow you to silence the voices of those whose experiences are most relevant in the most pressing debate before the nation, and allow you to say that Thomas Jefferson was wrong. If this is your intent, I would ask to please, kindly, go f*** yourself. I will not allow it.

Semper Fi,

Adam Kokesh, PFC

Proud F***ing Civilian


Yes, I know I broke my blog

Yes, I know for now that the picture below is overlapping and looking horrible.

I don't care. I want it big. As big as I can link it. Why?

Forza 2 is a very popular game. There are some very good drivers (even some professionals) playing. The picture is of the fastest lap times in the world, on a race track called Mugello. Out of the over 9700 people that have tried this course with the same level car I did, all of them are slower than me.

yes, this is the highlight of my day. =P


No blogs

No more scheduled blogs for further notice.

WHY! Click Me. (Go through all 5 pictures)

I'm kidding of course - I doubt I'll be able to contain how much fun I'm having to just myself. Which means I share it the only way I know how. Semi-annoymously through the internet. Woo hoo.


Never too early ... right?

Birthday wishlist! Okay, its more just a list of stuff I'm want to buy and I figure if I put it here, I won't lose it.



Tuba Virtuoso

Nerd Level: 9.3 out of 10

A lot of the time I'll claim to like classical music. The problem is, a good portion of the time I find typical classical music, like most, a horrid bore. Periodically though I will run across something new and unique that really perks my ears.

There is a method called lip multiphonic, which can allow a player to play two notes at once. Another way is to try to sing and play at the same time. This guy actually does all three - which leads to a sound that is hard to believe is coming out of one instrument. I love hearing the crowd laugh in disbelief.

On top of that, about 6 minutes in he turns his tuba into a beat box. It is hard enough to beat box with just your mouth/hands, but to do it through an instrument that has about 27 feet of pipe is another level of impressive.

..and to reiterate, the first 3 minutes is just him playing.

And for any musical doubters, here he is playing the Carnival of Venice (an obscenely hard piece for those not as nerdy as most).


Olympus Rally 2007

Olympus Rally 2007 (click on my pic below to go to the gallery)

Might as well make this a full blown DiRT advertisement too. 3 minutes of new footage of wrecks in DiRT - including them wrecking the exact car from my photo above (at 1 minute 30 seconds in).


Online comic relavance

Phil = Bryce Guitar Hero = Forza


Well, I'd play Guitar Hero if I had it.


Its hard to believe the administration can so blatantly lie and attempt to subvert the constitution; and still get away with it. Jon Stewart summarizes the latest two AG stories fairly well.


Nice to hear

We get to wallow in others ineptitude. A British judge, working an Internet Terrorist case is baffled by terms like "web site" and "forum".

So at least its not just our judges who are idiots


Rally rally rally!

The Olympus Rally is coming to town! (Olympia that is).

Some really good chances to see some rally cars in action for not to far away for most of you. They will be at the state capital Saturday morning (9am), and stages at the OVR park in Shelton starting at 11am. From there they head up into the woods to race for two days.

Spectator guide here.

The weekend weather doesn't look wonderful, but I'm sure I'm going to be warmer than I was down in Oregon. =/ Hopefully some good pictures for Monday.


Mmm.. Pie

I guess if I ever was going to make a pie, I'd be much more likely to do it with a pi pie bowl.


Forza and DiRT

Lately I've been spurting off links and talking Forza racing left and right (they are in their last month of development) to my friends. Its a great looking game that has some of the highest expectations I've seen in a game in a very long time. We'll see.

But on top of that, DiRT just released 3 videos that now make me really curious on where I'm going to spend my free time.

You'll hear the navigator. Larger numbers, faster the corner. This is a high-rez link, so if you're on a bit of a slower connection, this will take some time:

Subaru STI through wet streets in Japan

Huge open course rally wheel to wheel racing.

A run up Pikes Peak
- some of those drop off finally look scary in a game.

All I know is my racing wheel, tv and xbox 360 are going to get a workout.


**Update** - Alex brought to my attention that #8 can be done with less than 16 blocks as they say. I never really looked, but it possible with 12 blocks.

Okay, so I actually got quite a few message about the game I posted below; mainly "omg my head hurts", and "what the hell" and "I hate you".

So, I'll be nice, and solve two of them for you. The easiest one (lvl 8), and a fairly difficult one if you don't "see" the solution by the time you're at lvl 10. My only question - they claim lvl 10 "has been solved in 1min 25 seconds on youtube". Should I email them with me solving it in less than 40 seconds? hehe.

Level 8:

Level 10:


Can you solve them all?

This will make your brain work a bit.

I'll help you out with the interface:

Click Figuur1 on the left side.
What your end result should look like will come up in the upper left; at the bottom of that screen is the number of blocks you need to use.

To add blocks, just left click. To take a block away, just select the "break down" bullet, and click the block you want to remove.

There are no physics, so blocks CAN float.

You'll get a "green" bullet next to "Figure#" when the image is right but you have too many blocked used. Yellow means you nailed it.

Took me ~15 minutes to get them all yellow. Honestly, figure 1 is one of the hardest to get yellow. Don't worry about the minimum blocks at first - just build them, then start taking blocks away.


Update: #1 and #9 are easily the hardest. Funny enough, after 10 minutes this time around I couldn't solve #9. Had one extra block somewhere.





A great fat rant.

All that stuff mom used to say to me, but said by a guy that isn't nearly as nice about it.

An Alwyn Cosgrove Fat Loss Rant

This week I have heard more excuses as to why people are not losing fat than I have ever heard in my life. I have literally heard people tell their trainers - "I am following the nutrition program exactly, but instead of an egg white omelet for breakfast, I have a muffin and a latte". Hmmm. Not "exactly" the same is it?

So I thought this would be a good time to share some of my 'wisdom' for those of you still looking for the magic pill. Having worked with hundreds of individuals over the years and as a trainer, magazine writer and lecturer to other fitness professionals I am amazed how often I am asked "What are the secrets to fat loss?"I can vividly remember doing a photo shoot at our gym with a male client who had lost 85lbs of fat and now had a nice six-pack to show for his efforts.

My own gym members came up and asked me what his "secret" was. THERE'S NO SECRET.

They seemed to think I'd given him the "real" information and had withheld it from them! He's been given the same advice as I give to everyone else - he just chose to follow it a little more closely.

Fat loss is not under the control of the magic fat loss fairies. It's based on simple changes in behavior.

So I thought I would take this opportunity to launch into an Alwyn Cosgrove rant. Those among you who are politically correct and easily offended can stop reading now. And if any of the rest of you are offended, then I'm sure there is a new diet book that will tell you exactly what to do to achieve fat loss nirvana (hint - you have to eat less, fat boy, tends not to fill up a 300 page diet book). So put down your copy of "Eat Right for Your IQ" and listen up.

To lose fat:

Eat less calories than you burn.

Yes, there are some factors that can make this a little more difficult - metabolic type, medical disorders, food sensitivities, medications, sleep patterns, etc. But these are the minutiae - the small details. Even if you adjust or control for every single other variable in your body and your environment - if you consume more calories than you burn - you are going to gain fat.

Here are a few basic truths that no one really wants to hear:

Think about the foods you are about to consume. Are they going to bring you closer to your goal? Or will they make you feel like crap and take you farther away from what you want? Yeah I know that when you were younger, before you had kids, you could eat blah de blah de blah and not gain weight. Too bad - times have changed.

And I know your friend can eat whatever he or she wants and is in great shape. Yay for them, sucks for you. But no amount of whining will change the fact that you need to work to get your butt in shape.

Stop rushing your meals - eat slowly. This will give your body a chance to actually realize that you've eaten, and register that you are full. It takes 20 minutes for the satiety mechanisms to kick in. Give your body a chance to tell you that it's full before you cram another 500 calories in your pie hole.

Eat smaller portions. Unfortunately you cannot eat unlimited amounts of the food you would like and still get lean. Sorry. Second helpings? I seriously doubt it. Appetizers, main course and dessert? You're kidding me.

Make correct meal choices that contain appropriate servings of protein, carbs and fats. I love the new "low carb diet" options at most restaurant chains now. A steak with melted cheese on the top. That's not a diet food people. I also saw a low carb buffalo wings option. The difference? No carrots to dip in the blue cheese. Like that's your problem - too many carrots in your diet. A big ass bowl of pasta? That's what marathon runners eat the night before the race. If you have a marathon planned tomorrow then go ahead. If not - you don't need the calories.

"You are what you eat" is a true statement. And it wouldn't surprise me to find out that some of you have eaten a fat bastard or two in your time. Are you a lean serving of protein - or a saggy nasty sausage?

If certain foods are a "trigger" for you and you cannot eat them sensibly, then you have to give them up. I have known very few people that can eat their "trigger" food and not end up blowing their diet. Once you "pop" you can't stop right? Usually one cookie means the whole bag. So you can't be trusted. Don't have them in the house.

You do not need something sweet to finish your meal. This is a conditioned response from your childhood days when cleaning your plate meant ice cream. 'Need' something sweet? Do you realize how much you just ate? You don't need anything. Dessert is not a psychological need for survival. It is just a bad habit. Habits can be broken. You do not need the cheesecake.

Do not buy junk food. If it is there - you will eat it. If you have a craving for candy and there's none in the house - it's highly unlikely you'll get up and go to the store. You'll just sit your ass back down and finish watching American Idol.Oh, and buying the junk food "for the kids" is an absolute bullshit excuse. The kids do not need the cheezy poofs either. In fact, in my opinion, the childhood obesity epidemic has been caused by parents buying shit for their children. It's essentially child abuse plain and simple. Depriving your kids of crap is a good parenting decision.

If you screw up a meal - do not, I repeat DO NOT try to adjust the next meal to "make up for it". All you did then was screw up two meals. If you overeat at meal number one - just get back on track. Immediately. Because thinking "Well, I've blown it now so I might as well REALLY blow it," is akin to getting a flat tire as you drive down the freeway and getting out and totaling your car.

Cookies, doughnuts and muffins are crap food choices. You can't ever justify eating them on a regular basis. And low carb, fat free cookies, doughnuts and muffins are still crap - don't kid yourself.

Yes you can eat fast food. It's called grilled chicken sandwich or a turkey sub, Jarod. Fries? No. And you do not need to supersize for an extra 50c.

Yes it's hard. You want to look great? Nothing tastes as good as lean and buff feels. It's true. This week I've heard "It's too hard - I want an easier diet". What that means is "I'd rather eat crappy foods than look or feel any better. I have made a conscious decision to get fatter because my love for junk food is a more powerful love than my desire to get lean." It's unfortunate but you will have to work for the body you want.

Little changes add up. Switching from a glass of orange juice every morning to a cup of green tea will save you 100 calories per day. That adds up to over ten pounds of fat loss per year.

Little discrepancies add up too. A Big Mac meal is about 1500 calories. You'll have to walk 15 miles to balance that out.

If you aren't a fat loss expert - hire one. Or follow a plan written by one. I wrote a 16 week all inclusive fat loss program called AFTERBURN that includes nutrition, cardio and weight training. Using this approach means you CANNOT fail. You just need to follow the program. I'm amazed how many people STILL ask me how they can get single-digit lean. The info is out there people.

This is by no means a complete list but I think you're probably getting the point. There is no secret to fat loss. At any one time your body is either getting leaner or it's getting fatter. You just need to adjust the balance. In today's world it just takes a little effort on your part.

But if you want to eat whatever you want you have two choices:

Move a lot. A LOT.

Gain weight, get fat, accept it and stop complaining.

And if you want to look great, the keys to fat loss are (from my politically incorrect colleague Lyle McDonald):

Change your eating habits: so that you're eating less.

Change your activity patterns: so that you're expending more calories.

Repeat: Keep doing this over a long period of time.

Forever: Newsflash, you don't EVER get to go back to your old eating habits unless you want to get fat again. To maintain weight loss means maintaining at least part of the changes you made to 1 and 2.

It really is that simple. If you are not losing fat it's YOUR fault. It's not mine, it's not your trainer, it's not your husband, wife, kids or your boss - it's YOU. There are 168 hours in each week - no matter who you are. Maybe you train for three of them. That leaves 165 for you to completely blow it.

If you are not good at self discipline then hire someone who will make you accountable. Until then realize that the choices are yours. Getting really lean is not difficult in terms of knowing what to do - it's doing it that makes the difference.