
Tuba Virtuoso

Nerd Level: 9.3 out of 10

A lot of the time I'll claim to like classical music. The problem is, a good portion of the time I find typical classical music, like most, a horrid bore. Periodically though I will run across something new and unique that really perks my ears.

There is a method called lip multiphonic, which can allow a player to play two notes at once. Another way is to try to sing and play at the same time. This guy actually does all three - which leads to a sound that is hard to believe is coming out of one instrument. I love hearing the crowd laugh in disbelief.

On top of that, about 6 minutes in he turns his tuba into a beat box. It is hard enough to beat box with just your mouth/hands, but to do it through an instrument that has about 27 feet of pipe is another level of impressive.

..and to reiterate, the first 3 minutes is just him playing.

And for any musical doubters, here he is playing the Carnival of Venice (an obscenely hard piece for those not as nerdy as most).


Aimless_b said...

thanks for sharing. those were incredible performances

Anonymous said...

bryces new girlfriend


i can hear the wedding bells now :P


Anonymous said...

the spawn of bryce and his fiddle playin ho'
