
More Ken Block

Don't miss the guest blog by Anne below this post

Ken just has too much fun. First - him play around with Chris Atkinson (Subaru 2007 driver) in a 1970's Ford... that's a touch modified:

Ken helping launch a new Xbox360 game in the UK - by giving people rides in his car. Priceless reactions follow. My favorite, "When I crash, my co-driver - she doesn't scream."


The Unlikely Blogger – A Guest Blog

Let me begin by offering my thanks to Bryce for the opportunity to write this week’s entry on his blog. From the time we started dating, I have asked him occasional questions about why people blog, where they find material, and who reads it. During this time, I have also become quite addicted to reading his blog. After asking him multiple times lately when he is going to update it, he threw back, “Why don’t you write a guest blog?” So here we are.

For those of you that I haven’t met, I am not what you would call the most technological person. I’m not a technophobe by any means, but compared to Bryce I certainly look like one. A classic example of this was a conversation from the first time I met his friend Tow. It went as follows:

Tow: So do you play games?
Anne: You mean like Scrabble? Yeah, I love board games!
Tow: No, like video games.
Anne: Oh, I do the Wii Fit.
Tow: The Wii Fit doesn’t count.
Anne: Sometimes I play Wii Bowling…
Tow: Nothing on the Wii counts.

Clearly I am not the best choice to be writing a guest blog! Luckily Bryce sees past my inability to know which server is running as well as my affinity for radios. In case you’re wondering, the only one in his house was a clock radio until his friend Jeremiah told me how to use the mixer to find channels.

We have been busy the past month or so. We finally had a break from school and filled it travel (some work and some fun) plus several house-type projects. Most recently, we spent a long weekend in Northern California visiting my sister and attending a wedding. I’m sure Bryce will be posting pictures soon – he took some really good ones.

In other exciting news, we are officially halfway through the MBA program! While it has been a great experience and I think we’re both very glad we’re doing it, we will also be glad to have our nights and weekends back to ourselves in a year.

Speaking of weekends, I can only assume that everyone is as excited about the return of the NFL as we are. Bryce may edit this out, but I have to at least try to sneak it in. “GO BEARS!!!”

I believe that’s all the news that’s fit to print. Bryce always has really interesting or informative video clips, but I’m just going to end with one of my favorite videos, the kind you can watch over and over and still find hysterical.

Thanks for reading!
The Guest Blogger (aka Anne)