
Chatting up woman...

I think this is best said by Eddie Izzard:

I had to chat up girls and I'd only tagged them before and I didn't have the verbal power to be able to say, "Susan, I saw you in the classroom today. As the sun came from behind the clouds, a burst of brilliant light caught your hair, it was haloed in front of me. You turned, your eyes flashed fire into my soul, I immediately read the words of Dostoyevsky and Karl Marx, and in the words of Albert Schweitzer, 'I fancy you.'

Oh no. I am much more the:

But no. At [25], you're just going, " 'ello, Sue. I've got legs. Do you like bread? I've got a French loaf. ( smacking sound ) Bye! I love you!"

And that best describes my Thursday. There are 3, very attractive ladies there. All of which are at least not engaged. Sadly, I know nothing else (well, names of two of them - Erin & Megan - whom, thank god, have no idea this blog exists). In actuallity, I'd love to just have the ability Eddie described in the second paragraph - let alone the first. I'm still in pre-flight check status. I'm still checking to make sure I even have legs.

Why is approaching them seriously so hard? Everyone always says, "So, you go up, ask if she wants to go together sometime for a coffee or something". What's the worst that can happen?

Anytime you end a statement with "what's the worst that can happen?", that never ends well with me. I think its a talent my dad has bestowed upon me. I can come up with some resoundingly convincing arguments on why I shouldn't approach the aforementioned hotty. And therefore I end up the next blogging not about the great date I have planning on Saturday - but how I again managed to puss out and just drive home after volleyball.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Okay, I don't see a follow-up post about a Saturday date (or wimping out and driving home). As someone who can vouch for your, um, smoochability, I'll just say this:

Dude, grow a pair and talk to those women folk!
