
Time to have fun - Saturday Night!

Been a little while since I've been rocking out on a weekend - but this weekend is going to be such an occasion.

Studio 7 - 110 S. Horton St - Seattle - 8pm

For $10 its a 6 band show, with three of my favorites showing up at one place. The full lineup is (with myspace links provided):

Riverbend - These guys are new to me. Good sound though
Out From Underneath - New as well
Counterfist - Recommend Playing: Action Minus or FBC (amazing drummer)
London Get Down - the 3rd new one to me
Windowpane (CD RELEASE) - House of Cards
Late September Dogs - Sometimes

Seriously, this should be one heck of a good evening.


Jo said...

If I wasn't going to Portland for the weekend, I would totally be down to go!!! Sounds fun, Bryce!!!

Lisa said...

Do you think they'll still be playing at 9:30/9:45ish? I've got a practice in Tacoma till 9. But, I've always wanted to catch LSD live...

Bryce said...

Haha 6 bands, starting at 8pm - they'll be playing until 1am I'm sure Lisa.

Not sure when LSD goes on though.