
Resolution Challenge 2008 - May Update

I'm not sure what happened this month, but it seems like people are starting to tire of the whole idea of the Resolution Challenge. Maybe they are just wimping out, but I heard a lot of excuses this month as to what happened. Doug and James both managed to meet all their goals, but the way a First Grader completes their hated math homework. They both managed one blog (and short at that); but they did make weight, and there wasn't anything in the challenge about the quality of the work. I'm hoping over the next month or two I see a couple more interesting trips from James, and some great kitchen posts from Doug.

Kristy on the other hand, went to the moon or something. She completely failed. No blog, no working out. Nadda. Something about "work being busier than ever."; excuses, excuses. I tell yah, I really didn't think this group was just going to give me easy cash, but you're not going to hear me complain.

The tally:

Me: 3 for 3 - I was supposed to come in under 160 - I came in at a 159.0 flat. For the rest of the year I have to maintain below 162.5, continue my blog'n, and still head out to some bar or something similar. I have to say, I'm mighty excited to not be losing weight anymore.

Kristy: 1 for 3 - No workouts, no blogs. The one random point is a mercy point based on a quarterly business plan objective. We'll see how that is coming together soon enough. For June: GET BACK ON THE BAND WAGON!

Doug: 3 for 3 - He was aiming for 237, and got 236. For June: Lose another pound as he continues his fall to hold at 225.

Tow: 3 for 3 - He redeemed himself, and losses the fatass title. Final weigh in of 169.6 (as he puts it, "2 days of yard work and skipping dinner, for the win"). He's also in maintain mode for the rest of the year - so no coming in above 170 He's 0 for 4 for the photo trips require from May through August - but I'm sure its not going to be hard to get those in.

Bryce 15
James 14
Kristy 13
Doug 13


Jo said...

Once you set your mind to something, you don't fail. You are the definition of competitive.

I look forward to joining the Resolution challenge for 2009.

Kristy said...

I don't recall any excuses out of me! Infact, you are the one who said to backdate my blog to get a point. But we all know I'm too honest for that.