
La Actualización Castellano

I'm now 4hrs of CD's into Pimsluer's Spanish I (8 Lessons) and I am still very impressed with the series. I know I'm going to have to spend some extra time actually writing spanish (as its becoming increasingly difficult to visualize all the words). I think the best part is they are keeping it fairly humorous.

As I stated before, it all starts out with you trying to talk to another lady (who doesn't speak english, and you, of course, don't speak spanish). Somehow that quickly, as far as I can tell progresses to a serious relationship. The last 2 lessons consisted of this:

I want to eat something.

Great, lets go grab a beer at the restraunt.

I don't want to go to the restraunt.

Okay, fine, lets go to the hotel.

I don't want to go to the hotel.

Okay, fine, where do you want to go.

I don't know. I don't want to eat anything.

What? Nothing? I want to eat or drink something.

Fine. Lets go eat, but I don't have any money.

... Why do I feel like I have had this conversation before? And now, I can have it in multiple languages. Man, am I glad I spent money on this (seriously, I am glad, but this sure did make me laugh).


Unknown said...

That's funny, I had the same conversation with the Italian CDs. I kept thinking, 'Geeeeebus, would ya make up your mind already?' Instead I just screamed, 'Great, you go back to the hotel and starve, I'm going to go drink wine and eat ravioli, va bene?"

Bryce said...

I think they planned it this way though Cami. I mean, if they had these conversations on, say, CD 20; I *WOULD* have said "great you go back to the hotel and STARVE, I'm going to go drink beer and eat enchilladas", though, that's not in my spanish verbal prowlace yet.