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Between their theme park that will have life size dinos walking around, some of the tallest structures in the world, the 300 private man made islands shaped like world, and now a city constructed from scratch to house over 50,000 in a "zero carbon footprint" experiment - Abu Dhabi is quickly becoming a very interesting place (as well as the place all our oil money goes).

WRC Jordan:

Completely unrelated, I have to say I really enjoyed watching the Rally of Jordan (hmm, maybe not completely unrelated - since the location was that deserty area somewhere off to the east that 90% of Americans have no clue about its history or geography). I know I've talked up rallies in the past, but the level of competition on this one, including some of the surprises (fire, crash or otherwise) gave a great completion to the rally.

Hopefully this rally will be back for many years to come.

WRC Round 5 Jordan - Torrent Links
Day 1  
Day 2  
Day 3

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