

I've been told by many people that the reason they initially started swinging by my blog was to see how I was doing. This is something I now have been told that I got away from sometime ago, and replaced with links, videos, pictures and other random "cold" things.

True, I find these things funny or thought provoking - and you can rest assured I'm not going to stop with them; but I am going to try to make a conscious effort to talk about me.

We had some of the nicest weather over last weekend that we've seen in probably six months. Of course, with the temperatures closing in at my place near 90-95, Mr. Competitive decided that keeping my temperature at 97.8 degree's wasn't safe from being beaten by Mother Nature. Hence, all weekend I sat around with a 100.4 temperature. Brilliant. What a way to spend a nice weekend.

You'll be happy to know my pasty white complexion is intact. ..and yes, I was sick enough I didn't make it to one of my favorite events of the year (see post below). What crap.... Perfect weather, and Travis did great (he won).

On a completely different note, I'm now waiting to hear back from the University of Washington business program to see if I made it into the MBA Program. I have decided to attempt to get my CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst), which will be by far the hardest academic thing I've ever attempt to achieve. Hopefully it will lead to a very interesting and intense couple of years.

Lastly. Ikariam. Its a game I mentioned in passing many weeks ago. Very simple in concept (build towns, build armies, do it better than the 10,000+ other people playing). Its my type of game. Numbers, trends, calculations, etc. Anyways, I have got enough of my friends involved as well I just had to show off (nerd brag?). Oh yes, I have excel spreadsheets for a web based game. Ahhh.. Numbers, how I love you.

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