
Da Holy Crap - #200

Its actually a bit hard for me to believe, but this is actually blog #200 on blogspot. Ironic to me that my first couple blogs were about working out and contemplating my inability to hit on women. Nice to see some things never change.

I have actually been racking my brain for something worthy of my 200th blog spot, though honestly, that's never what this blog has been about. As Doug has so eloquently put, I'm his Web Sherpa, and this is my forum to share some of my findings along the way.

The only thing out of the norm for this post I guess is to take just a quick moment to thank you all. Honestly its been the comments and emails I get from you all that makes me continue to update this darn thing with new crap (Rally countdown, Last.Fm stuff, etc). I've amassed over 5,000 hits and who knows how many comments and emails. Thank you.

Onto a couple random topics:

So, this morning I had a couple distinct bachelor moments. After I got out of the shower and weighted myself (166 - up 2.2 pounds due to french toast, hamburgers, chicken strips, fries and 3 beers) I realized that my morning activities had suddenly become highly limited. My day had been decided for me by the strict limiting factor of no clean underwear - and the even more bachelor thought of, no underwear in sight worthy of a second go.

Oh, but we're not done with my bachelor morning. Obviously at this point I have to do laundry (and blog); since those are things that can be done without underwear (ahh, aren't you lucky). Well, I wander over to my washer to be reminded that I had seen this problem coming on Thursday and started a wash of whites...which still remained in the washer.

The Bachelor moment? The sniff test came back that 2 dryer sheets would probably be sufficient; and into the dryer they went. We'll see if I was right here in a bit.

Expanding on this problem just a bit more; I remembered this up and coming situation yesterday at the mall, where I was getting a hair cut before heading up to Fuel to see Late September Dogs again. Unfortunately I didn't have enough time to fulfill my true bachelor solution: Buying more underwear. Seriously. Oh well, another time I guess.

Anyways, onto another topic. Live bands.

Thank you Linda. She's been key to my dive into some of the live music scene in Seattle, which for I'm extremely grateful. Over the last couple weekends I've had the pleasure of seeing a couple bands that really surprised me initially. I was shocked a bit by how a $7 cover (or in some cases, free) can get you into see such quality musicians. Of course, it then dawned on me just how many world class bands got their start in the Seattle area (and still do) and I should just sit back and enjoy.

Last night was no different. I went up to Fuel (a club) to see Late September Dogs. They are self described as basically an Alanis Morrissette meets Aerosmith. Their lead singer, Lyzz Tyson, does just a wonderful job interacting with the band and the crowd. Its something that you don't really think about when listening to music, but after you watch a couple performances you realize the importance of it.

One of my favorite songs, "Helpless" can be found up on Myspace:

Late September Dogs

The other band, which I'll hopefully be able to catch doing an acoustic performance at Fuel this next Friday is Windowpane. The just updated their myspace to some newer music, which for me personally, isn't as impressive as their older stuff. They were impressive (and loud) live though; and I'll be very interested to see how they perform on Friday.


And last - but not least - A new Iron Man trailer. I really wasn't too convinced with Robert Downy Jr. doing this part, but so far in all the previews he looks very good.

P.S. Its taken me long enough to write this blog that my first round of laundry is out of the dryer - and my sniff test was spot on. Though I have come to realize I've completely destroyed any good laundry moments for myself (yes, laundry moments). You know, when you finally are done with the whites and you move onto the darks where a full load takes like 30 seconds to fold, compared to what seems likes endless hours with the whites?

Now, with my suits and dark GQ socks and crap, my darks are even worse. Hell if I can tell if these are the blue socks with little dots on them and that design at the top, or the black socks.. with little dots on them and that design at the top.

Stupid socks

...and anyone who replies, "Yeah, its the SOCKS that are stupid - gets banned".


Anonymous said...

I'd be interested to hear what aspects of WP's new songs you don't like, and what of their old you like better. Hrrmmmm.... discussion for this coming Friday maybe?

I'm so glad you made it out again! Good job! Now on to a week of total insanity, yes? Talk to you soon I'm sure, Mr. Assistant Executive Director.

39 Year Old Male said...

I rather think we should discuss, yet again, how a closet homosexual prefers to do his laundry(and then ceremoniously blog about it). Yes my socks and underwear are slightly grey, but who gives a shit. Wash em all in the same damn load, because afterall the most important thing is that they are clean. Manhood card revoked, yet again.

Tow said...

Doug = Win

All my cloths are washed together as well. It just makes things easier give it a try. You did make me laugh a few times so I won't pull your manhood card. Keep that in mind next time mine is on the table.

Bryce said...

@Linda: Sure, talk (yell, lets be honest) about the slight points that I don't like at their own concert - that way if things die down at just the right time I'm sure to get my ass kicked

@Doug: I do my mom proud - and if that's a closet homosexual that begets the loss of my man card - so be it

Anonymous said...

@ 39 year old male and tow: It's his washing his laundry separately that will get HIM the ladies. Ladies notice the difference between grey and white. Keep that in mind next time you have your FEET on the table. Although, keep in mind ladies like CLEAN laundry. Thou shalt never speak of wearing the chonies more then once ever again, capiche?

Linda = win.

Anonymous said...

Oh and @ Bryce: good point re: discussing/critiquing the new album at Friday's show. Not so good, although they're sweet open minded guys and I love them, tact would say we save that for later. When I left the comment I was just thinking "at the show this Friday when I see you" not "at the WINDOWPANE show this Friday". What can I say.... they all blurr together sometimes [insert horns and headbanging here].