

The puzzle from below is almost complete (TV, Wheel, DiRT Racing Game). I'm now only down then game, so for now, I have to settle for Project Gotham Racing 3. Honestly, its not a bad "settle", just a bit dated and played out. Now for the TV - I really expected it to arrive in pieces. It had nearly everything possible going against it that you could think of.

1) Customer Return
2) Online Order
3) Free shipping (usually free shipping on large items indicates a low end shipping company)
4) Unexplainable low price ($749) - Finding it online for under $2000 is a challenge

But when it arrived, besides the box being a little shotty, I couldn't find a darn thing wrong with it. I feel like I cheated someone. First thing first though; does it race well?

(Click for large size (and click the magnify glass in the upper right)).

Yeah. It races well. Feel free to stop by and enjoy.

You'd also think I didn't get out much this weekend right? Wrong! Mr. Forrest felt I was sitting too much - so he made me jump over logs. Darn dog.

Come on weeny, I'm waiting.

Any way I can convince you this is downtown Tacoma, right behind my house?


Anonymous said...

you're makin' me jealous ; ) I'm sitting here thinking "what would Oblivion look like on that screen?"

Aimless_b said...

Amazing place you have there. enjoy those outdoors. and enjoy your racing game.