
Who killed the eletric car?

Okay, so there's been quite the buzz about this "documentary" about who killed the electric car. I put the word documentary in quotes, because its the new style of documentary; in the same way Bowling for Columbine, Conspiracy 911, and Loose Change are documentaries. I'm not here saying they don't have a leg to stand on, or that they are valid; just that they aren't documentaries (though, they do a much better job than Who killed my toy, rrr.. electric car).

Anyways, onto a little bit bigger point. In the movie of "Who Killed the Electric Car", it attempts to convince (effectively, if you think its a documentary) that the Oil Industry (moderatly convincing), GM (less convincing), and the California Air Quality Board (least convincing), are responsible for "killing" the electric car.

The funniest part to me is that they have all these experts, all this "demand" that they know about, and yet they are satisfied to just point their finger at these 3 industrial goliaths (a term used very often). They are the "david" victim, or so they say (I'm starting to think they don't know the David vs. Goliath story). Why not, if they have these experts, the demand lined up, and millions of dollars, do they not just develop their own electric vehicle? There's nothing in the laws that say "these are the only car manufactures on the planet". Instead, they show over and over their precious little ev1s (name of the horrid toy) being crushed; crying about it like a little 2 year old that had their toy taken away.

Another main point they try to make is that 90% of America has commuting habits that fall into the range of what an EV can do. Now the real question is, what number of american's own a commuter car; and how much did they pay for that commuter car? I'll bet two things. 1) Its less than 10%, and 2) Its less than $10,000. I'd much rather hear of an electric car that can satisfy 35% of the motoring habits of americans.

I could keep going and I gladly will if you so care; just shoot me an email.

Anyways my main points are these:

1) This "documentary" is one of the worst, short sighted, pieces I've seen. It really should be called "Who took my cute car away, Wah wah wah /emo". If you really want to do something about it; DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. Or just stand outside the fence, yelling at GM that they took your toy away. I guess either is a good approach.
2) The electric car isn't dead. Hybrids, specifically plug in hybrids are going to
fit my bill of what an "EV" car should be. Hey, here's one that planned to come out this year, full production by 2010. Volt ... I can commute on full eletric, then motor on the weekends on biodiesel? Sounds a bit better than that toy in the movie. Full ev cars are not the answer. If you want one right now; mod your prius.
3) Please, keep forwarding these movies / links to me. I'm always happy to do the thinking.

1 comment:

Jo said...

Look at Mr. Critic here!!!! I know that Joey wanted to see it. It is on our queue but... Maybe I'll have him read your review first. LOL