
Oh, how I hate to eat my own words....

So as some of you know a week ago we had "man day". It was our version of a baby shower I guess for Jeremiah; kind of a last little bit of irresponsibleness before responsibility sets in. Unfortunately, when nerds go CRAZY they do stuff like Magic The Gathering, Rock Band, Shadowrun, and Frisbee Golf. (yes, that deserves a bold, you'll see why in a sec).

Anyways, the days actually started out at Hooters, since - well, it was Man Day. Jason and I ended up sharing two pitchers of beer, and by 2pm as we wondered through Sports Authority we actually thought that it might be a possibility, mid afternoon, to get ourselves kicked out of a sporting store. The day started good.

After we cleared out of the sports store and got home, we decided it was time for Frisbee Golf (we were at the sports store, buying Frisbees, because we're nerds and do not own much and/or any sports equipment). Of course, I being drunk, decided that just playing wasn't going to be fun enough.

Oh no, Mr. Competitive decided we had to put something on the line. No one liked the idea of cash (maybe because someone at the party just spend 500 grand on a house?); so I came up with the brilliant idea of...

Loser has to post their bare ass.. on my blog.



I lost.

Oh, this is not a proud moment.

Co-workers and family that do not care to see this, I will give you ample time to move onto another website



or maybe


Click, for the sadly, bigger version. Gah:


Lisa said...

Nice timing: a full moon on the night of a full moon. ^.^

Amy M. said...

I have to say, I did not open the picture in it's full glory, but I am oddly both fearful and excited that you "men" will be a part of Sam's life. :)

Thanks for giving Jeremiah a great day! He has been telling everyone about frisbee golf and is looking forward to the next day of fun!

Unknown said...

Is this your traditional thinking pose? ;)

Jo said...

Oh my gosh!!! That is hillarious!!! So, this is what you meant when we were talking the other day, LOL!!!

Tow said...

I hope this picture starts getting returned when you google your name.

Anonymous said...

Surprised this hasn't shown up on a shar posting...

Imagine the surprise of anyone that was walking by in front of your window.

BTW- Most of my friends have been steered to this part of the blog. Most of them admit they had to see the larger picture.