
Rally Argentina!

Non-Argentina news first: Kristy (from the Resolution Challenge) has just released her first news letter (marketing plan part 1). Just doing my part to promote her. ;-) Though, hard to make sense out of using a 50% off coupon when I have to drive 5 hrs and take a ferry to get there.

(don't blame me if this link doesn't work - I'm attempted to use a new "beta" service)
April 2008 Newsletter

Anyways - onto Rally Argentina!

This is a rally that is known for its huge water crossings - and probably images you've seen without knowing where they came from. A little bit different this year is that the rally is being run a couple months earlier in the season, which lead to some horrendous weather, super muddy conditions, and even bigger water crossings.

It was interesting to hear the championship leader, and 3 time champion Loeb actually "whine" about how difficult (and "dangerous") one of the stages due to the mud and tire rules. Then about 3 cars later, Petter Solberg (lead driver for Subaru) comes through with a huge ass grin on his face talking about how much fun he just had.

On top of the mud and bigger water crossings - a couple of the stages were immensely socked in with fog. So much so it when watching some of the onboard cameras its hard to even see where they are going (at over 100mph).

Anyways - a youtube vidoe, followed by the torrent links

Things go wrong quickly--

Day 1 Torrent
Day 2 Torrent
Day 3 Torrent

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