I'm still reading up on it today, but I'll see if I can get it boiled down. (sorry if its a bit choppy, I'm still reading up on it some - I just wanted to get it posted)
Sergeant Adam Kokesh (Marines), was honorably discharged to the Inactive Ready Reserve
Since he's become an outspoken individual against the administration, see pictures below:
A mock military funeral, at the Hart building on the hill - where Kokesk was arrested for Unlawful Assembly - Loud and Boisterous (even though he didn't once open his mouth).
Speaks for itself (at the Gonzales hearing)
Well, the Marines now to "keep the order" in the IRR want to prosecute him and "separate him from the IRR with an Other Than Honorable Discharge." Kokesk requested this trial take place near Washington so his witnesses could attend (as he and most of them live in DC). The trial was scheduled in Kansas City. The Marines would fly Kokesh, but none of his witnesses there. (A member of Veterans For Peace stepped in with a bus for the rest)
The trial is today, and I'm definately interested to see how this whole story falls out. I leave you with a bit off Kokesh Blog:
I joined the Marines out of patriotism. I said that when I enlisted in 1999, before it was cool, and even wrote it as my reason on the form I filled out at the Military Entrance Processing Station. As Thomas Jefferson said, “Dissent is the highest form of patriotism.” Now that I am out of the Marines, I am continuing my patriotic duty by speaking out. It is Marines like you, Brigadier General Moore, and Colonel Brown, who are preventing the American public from hearing the truth about Iraq by intimidating those who would disagree with you from speaking out. If the policies that you support are so righteous, why are you afraid of the truth?
If I accept this “plea bargain,” I would have to allow you to punish me for speaking my mind, allow you to say that it is somehow less than honorable for thousands of IRR Marines to exercise their freedom of speech, allow you to silence the voices of those whose experiences are most relevant in the most pressing debate before the nation, and allow you to say that Thomas Jefferson was wrong. If this is your intent, I would ask to please, kindly, go f*** yourself. I will not allow it.
Semper Fi,
Adam Kokesh, PFC
Proud F***ing Civilian
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