
Gutless Parents - Pet Peeve

"In the beginning I said, 'Spencer you know, you ought to be wearing a helmet with this skateboarding stuff','" Melinda Kinley said. "'Oh no Mom, nobody wears helmets when they skateboard,'" was what he replied, Spencer's mother said. Reference

I heard this story getting ready this morning. It was on GMA, and supposed to be this sob story about this wonderful piano player - who died skateboarding, when he hit his head.

The parents, and the reporter go onto blame skateboarding culture and media as to why their kid is dead. What a load of crap. Their kid is dead because they were more worried about keeping their kid happy with them than they were about keeping their kid safe. I wouldn't (didn't) have had a choice as a kid. Put the helmet on or else. Or else meant not only would the skateboard be gone (and not gone like put somewhere in the garage, but "i have no clue where the hell it went", gone), but I'd be doing extra chores.

Parents need to 'man up' and start being parents. Its seems like so many parents really want their kids to be their friends over being their kids. In the immortal words of Red Foreman (That 70's Show) "Why the hell would you want to be friends with a 15 year old. They're all a bunch of dumbasses".

Having laws, rules and product "safety" be the main means to protect your children is simply just bad parenting.


Anonymous said...

Second that!


Anonymous said...

People regardless if they are parents or not always like to blame someone else for something they could have prevented. They don't want to be the bad guy/girl so they have to come up with some reasoning why it happened regardless if it is right or wrong... Parenting is a place where we have to man up and be the bad guy/girl then hopefully when they are older they will respect us and others...

Anonymous said...


"you suck yet again"

Referance (what the hell is that) maybe try reference next time, dumbass


and yes the personal safety of my child is 100% my responsibility--seat belts as an example-we both wear it every time we're in the car. Its so much a part of her life that she doesn't even think about it, to the point where i dont even have to ask, i just look over and see it on her. Man, my daughter rocks :)
