
#Cars - Next Car?

Periodically I get asked the question, "Bryce, what is your next car going to be?" - I'll be honest, as much as I love the STI, I'm getting a bit run down by the noise and "20-something" attitude it seems to project. So, does that leave me to a quieter, but just as much of a "zoom-zoom" car (BMW, Audi, Merc)? Those options seem a bit "40-something".

Now, this might not be the exact car, but I have to think this is somewhere along the lines of where I'll be looking (and I can't think Anne will be too upset with a car commercial that starts with Christian Louboutins).

1 comment:

Anne said...

I am completely and totally on board. I do think it bears mention, however, that it was obviously HER car. You will have fun in the Pilot - it's very comfortable and the dogs fit nicely.