

So, after hearing the statistic of only 1 in 7 American's can actually find Iraq on a map (who knows if that's right, but it wouldn't surprise me), I wanted to track down a quick web-game that tests how well you know the world.

Sadly, there are 12 levels and I can't pass level 7. My best score is 220,639 points.


Give it a go and let me know how you do.


Well I've played 6 times now - up to level 10 - where it asked stuff like, "Where is Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso".

220,639 points - level 7
177,342 points - level 6
147,634 points - level 5
193,089 points - level 6
250,487 points - level 8
341,134 points - level 10

Have fun!


39 Year Old Male said...

level 5 154,000points

wow i feel smart and dumb at the same time

lol had no clue where timbuktu was


oh yeah and screwed the pooch on the galapagos islands, who knew!!

Bryce said...

Yeah - its funny, a lot of people will nkow the Galapagos as obviously the key islands to Darwin - but where they are; hehe...

Kristy messed that one up too.

Lisa said...

Fun game!!
My first attempt was Level 6 201,945 points
But, third try was the charm for me!
Level 8 270,801
The South American countries really threw me for a loop, and I totally spaced out on Papua New Guinea! haha...

Jo said...

Yeah, can't access at work.. Probably a good thing??? LOL

I will have to try this at home.

Kristy said...

I am addicted to this game.. but I still suck at it. lol