As I neared the end of January, I made the harsh realization that my weight-loss challenge just might hit a bit of a snag in February. Things had kind of crawled to a halt after my first couple weeks of purging what only had to have been pure fast food toxins. (mmm.. fast food toxins; yum)
Anyways, things were actually looking pretty good for February. The start of this month I was 166; and last Friday I weighed in at 164. Perfect. I can ease off just a bit.
Or so I thought.
That weigh-in was Friday morning. The night before I had got busy and only managed some water and pistachio nuts for dinner (yeah, I know, not healthy - thank you Mom). Friday morning I had my normal breakfast (bagel) and lunch (tuna, cracks and water) and headed off to physical therapy that evening a little drained - where I proceeded to get my worn out ass handed to me. Its never good when your PT trainer looks at you and says, "Are you going to throw up?".
"Yeah Lady, just make me do one more squat and find out."
Hungry and demoralized I stopped to get some teriyaki; which I normally break into two dinners, though not Friday night. Oh no, through the powers of delusional weight success that morning, lactic acid pains, and some alcohol, I ate it all (yum).
Then Saturday rolled around and to add to my already sore body from PT, I played softball (6 for 7). They had me play shortstop so my sportcenter moments were few and far between compaired to my times in the outfield.
Oh, and on my way home I decided I was going to be too sore and tired to cook anything; so I got two grilled steak burritos from Taco Bell (yum). I mean hey, I just played softball all day, and I was 164 on Friday morning. A man has to indulge.
Sunday Morning, I was an indulgent 168.
Doh - and 167.8 this morning (double doh)
So, now I'm nearly 2 pounds over for Feb. Not to mention my body feels like I fell down about 500 stairs, ran back up them, and proceeded to do it again. I don't think I have a spot that doesn't hurt right now. Oh wait.. nope found a spot. The end of my nose it okay. Yeah, just the little tip at the end there; I can move that without hurting.
Ahh, the bright side (as I stare cross-eyed at it).
Sadly, I have something else to add to the pile of crappy happs - Netflix is going Blu-ray :(
Hah - you're sad about netflix going blu-ray; yet I'm fairly certain that wasn't an HDTV I saw at your place last time I was there.
No, I'm still stuck in the dark ages, heck, my tv can't even support HD =/
I was sad for you...last time I was at your place that WAS an HD DVD player you had there ;)~
Reading comprehension ftl. =(
Yeah, I'm kind of shocked HD-DVD is on its way out, and Netflix is stopping support.
Now time to either get a PS3 or a Blue-Ray attachment for the 360
yes yes, truly, my reading comprehension is not what it normally is...I realized a few hours after I posted a reply that you'd said I didn't have an HDTV...and then I replied that I, surprise, didn't have an HDTV...errr, yeah
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