Am I the only one that is frustrated by all the different delegate totals running around?
I know that some of the democratic super delegates have verbally committed, but they haven't actually voted yet - so why the heck do they count? There's all this big news this week about Obama finally taking the lead - when in fact, in my book (I count, like MSNBC does, only those who actually have voted), Obama hasn't ever been behind.
Let me continue with dead horse beating. Currently the Associated Press (used by Fox News, NPR and such) have the totals as:
Hillary Clinton 1,198
Barack Obama 1,223 (Up by 25 for those bad at math)
Whereas NBC (MSNBC) has the totals:
Hillary Clinton 969
Barack Obama 1078 (up by 109)
I guess it will feel like less of a super delegate, special interest cock block if they put Hillary through when you inflate the numbers that way. Just show me who actually cast their ACTUAL votes (thank you MSNBC)
You crack me up. I am not sure how I feel about any of the candidates yet this year and it is so weird how everyone has different ways of tallying how they think the candidates did. UGH. Media. Why isn't there really a uniform way to display and discuss that with the nation?
I am already sick enough of our voting system as is...
Yay for Obama! I hope he wins...but either democratic candidate would be better than the republican slate of people (in my opinion).
I think they count the pledged super delegates bc it would essentially be political suicide to change your vote once you've pledged it...maybe not with voters since, really, most of us don't pay that close of attention, but within the party ranks, yes.
To Lisa: happily, a fair number of Republicans feel the same way you do :)
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