So, its been a couple years since I've blown too much money on a car - so I have a little bit of car lust going on. The biggest problem is.... which one do I want to lust after the most?
First up we have the new Lotus Elise. This thing is purpose built, and even more uncomfortable to ride in than my Subi (which is saying something).
Pros: Its a riot to drive. Built for the sole purpose of being nimble, quick and fairly affordable (its 2nd on the "price" list of these three cars. Also.. look at it.
Cons: I have trouble getting in and out of it. Yes. *I* have trouble. Which is almost a Pro, just for out obscene it is.
Car #2 - the most expensive (~70 grand). This is the new Nissan Skyline (GT-R) - which is like my Subaru.. if it mated with a Ferrari. This thing is AWD, but has 100 HP on my car - and enough bells and whistles (the middle console was developed by the same people that coded one of my favorite video games - Gran Turismo) to make even the most info / toy happy person satisfied.
Pros: AWD, Huge huge performace; might actually be a better ride than the Subi (Okay, it would be).
Cons: Its 70+ grand. Ouchy. For a Nissan. Ouchy ouchy.
Ahh, the Volt. My little voice of reason (hahhahah.. reason in THIS list?). The promise of a gas free commute, and probably the nicest ride of the bunch (specially at only ~30 grand).
Pros: Gas Economy. Saving the planet (ha).
Cons: Its built by GM, so my repair bill is going to suck. That and I'll need a premium AAA account.
Side Note: Seattle Seahawk's kicker Josh Brown is awesome
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just thought i should share this
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