I spent this weekend disconnected, up in the woods of Cle Elum, and I have to say it was nice to not have anything to do.
Well, I take that back, I had something I was supposed to do. My main job for heading up there this weekend was to get the DSL up and going, configure the server and web camera such that everyone could hop on and this winter see how much snow was piling up on the deck. Of course, the DSL modem had other ideas. It thought it would be much moer funny if first the password to access it locally was changed all together(and no ammount of Bryce guessing would crack it), then when I decided to hard-reset it to get the password back to default, it deleted all its routes and bridging information. (Basically that means it became a glorified nightlight). This is pretty much how every part of this project has gone (I think officially this project is over a year and a half now).
Lets get back to the fun stuff, eh?
Ahh, free jazz at the Suncadia resort. Now, mind you she couldn't hold the stage like a Charlie Parker(or any note for that matter), but hey, it was free. I think ultimately you have to go to shows like these, to be reminded when you see someone like a Parker, Maynard Ferguson, or Wynton Marsalis just how special they really are.
Free perspective. What more could you want out of your day?
Ultimately it was just a weekend of reading, enjoying the sun, dodging the eat, and driving on crazy roads.
Crazy roads you say? Wow. Yes. I was once told that I should take my car over Blewett pass. Now, I can't say I was horribly disapointed, but after cresting the pass and heading down the Wenatchee side, I still had that feeling that my body needed some extra G-forces to at least subside my crazy side for the rest of the day.
That's when I spotted it: Old Blewett Road. Hmm, that sounds promising.
It was my own personal road to Hana (It looked like that, but without the street sign). I've never had such a good time driving my car, specially seeing as I had troubleing breaking 40 mph on the road. So, if you ever find yourself in a rally insprired car, and a driver willing to take you on it (it is paved, though very rough at times), I recommend Old Blewett road with a wide eyed grin and a tone that lets you know I'm going back soon.
(oh, and nothing like a happy Subaru family) =)
So you just leave out the fact that I ruined your relaxing weekend by making you pick me up at the airport at 1:30 this morning?
Yeah, see if I say that I'm willing to leave such a relaxing place to come back and help a friend, people are going to think I'm a nice guy or something. Who wants that?
Uffa, road to Hana....I tossed cookies three times on that little jaunt. Hopefully your own personal road to Cle Whatchamahoozits was filled with more funk and less gunk.
Here are some links that I believe will be interested
Hi! Just want to say what a nice site. Bye, see you soon.
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