

Sorry about the lack of updates, both here and on Twitter.

I'm alive. Finally had a chance -- well I just put off homework because I couldn't wait any longer -- to go through some of my photos from the past month (including the Museum of Flight).

I think I have at least one that I should get blown up.

This one, at full resolution, is pretty darn nice:

From 2008-10-29

Okay, so it wasn't about my pictures at all. If it wasn't for Jeremiah and Amy wanting a little help getting a Christmas card together, my pictures would still be on there. But Sam, their son, gave me a great reason to pull them off.

From 2008-09-01

From 2008-09-01


Sunday Update (10/5)

This maybe a bit crass, but Steven Colbert explains the financial mess nearly perfectly:

Not much this week. Spain's WRC Rally going, Singapore F1 night event went off very nicely (and very very pretty).

Still plugging away at school, its going to be a tough couple first months as I re-train my brain to be in school mode. Anyone that wants to be bored to death is welcome to call and have me explain economic principals to them.

At least one of the books this quarter is remotely interesting. "Why popcorn costs so much at the movies". I'd always assumed they are just greedy bastards; but there's some other logic to it supposedly. I haven't made it to the popcorn chapter yet. ;-)