
Happy Cyber Monday

First Monday after Black Friday - and we're all using our work high speed connections for things we shouldn't be. So, on that note, I'm going to do Link Friday today, and Picture Monday tomorrow - (since I was up at the cabin (this time with the camera) and couldn't do Link Friday.

Here's some cute cat pictures. Yes, Cats...

One hell of a gun. Please, wait for the end of the video and the night shot:

One for the short guys. 5 foot 9 Nate Robinson blocks 7 foot 6, Yow Ming.

Time to feel a bit dumb. This 6 year old girl has one hell of a memory:

Lastly. It doesn't get more extreme than this. Put a kite on you, some skis, and go balls to the walls down a mountain. If you go off a cliff - no worries. It not a parachute, so you'll still fall like a rock, but hey, sounds like fun, right?



Happy Thanksgiving

Just want to wish everyone a happy and safe next couple of days.

Happy Thanksgiving.



Camille is at it again - and since her blog is just blowing away anything I can throw at mine right now take a second again and catch up with how just wonderful Camille can make traveling through Italy, alone (well, from what I can tell a pair a boobs gets you a long way in Italy), sound.



Link Friday (11/17)

A little short on links this Friday, the news has mainly been of nerds attack nerds to get the Playstation 3 and the Nintendo Wii. Crazy nerds. The Xbox is way better.

Anyways. Link #1. A fun little site that shows you if you were to really actually keep digging that hole your mom said would take your to China (or Austrialia), where would you end up? (Turns out that statement is only true for kids in Boliva, Paraguay, Chile and Argentina). For me, if I was really lucky I would have ended up on a cold island between South Africa and Austrialia... but more likely than not, I would have drown.

Dig through the world!


Quickest one. And easily the cutiest. Just watch it (even if you're on dialup this shouldn't take THAT long).

Well we never had video games like this when I was growning up. Two things. Look how fast those hands move, and ... what a great meld of classical music AND video games. You can be a solid nerd in less than 2 minutes flat.

(just noticed the stileproject tag on that video. Don't go there... seriously. =/ If I could find another video without it - I'd post it. Anyways. You've been warned).

Last video, I do not recommend if A) You easily offended, or B) You don't have broadband. It's 6+ minute skit, where George Carlin reduces the 10 commandments into something a bit more... Modern we shall say.


Off to someone more exciting

I think the hardest part for me on Wednesday blogs is to write something (usually semi-centric to me, or something I've very interested in), that I don't feel like is a waste of your time.

For this week, that's darn near impossible simply because Camille is back from Italy. She's one hell of a talented writer (her and I managed to scream at Italy together during the world cup, if you remember back that far) and has a fantastic blog detailing a couple days of her trip up.

The latest one is of her driving a train in Italy; I kid you not. Something about american accent, speaking Italian and having boobs.

So instead of bore you with my lasted frustrations in World of Warcraft and Tango lessons; go read her blog(s) and check out her pictures. Very much worth your time. Unlike these last 4 paragraphs.

Someplace better than here


Imagination Picture Monday

Okay, so I failed. My compact flash card is stuck into the side of my monitor at work, where it stayed over the course of the weekend. First good snow of the year (up at the cabin), three subaru's getting covered in said snow, and about 150 pictures that I missed taking.

Unfortunately for you I'm much better at taking pictures than I am at describing them. Besides the snow and the subaru', we had all three dogs up there (Charlie, Forrest, and Cody), so they provided an endless supply of entertainment as well.

I apologize again for failing this picture Monday. It won't happen again (soon).


Its a good month to be a nerd.

Now, you'd think after a lot of my postings of political wrong-doings, left wing tongue and check videos, etc; that I would be gladly posting about the glorious change over in D.C.

Honestly, I don't care all that much. I just enjoy the humor of the system.

There was an expected end to an era this election though. After 43 years, Dan Rather was going to miss reporting on an election. I say expected, because John Stewart and Steven Colbert had a special "expert" on their 1 hour combined special "Midterm Midtacular"; Mr. Rather. Leaving his streak at 44 years unbroken.

What I'm more excited about is how great this month has turned out to be a nerd. Ninento's Wii and Sony's Playstation 3 are due out this month. I'm not actually planning on getting either, but hey, I like the eye candy. On top of that the Xbox 360 finally has what people deem a "killer app" (this basically means a game SO good that you're willing to dish out the $399 for the xbox AND $59.99 for the game, just to play the game).

Lucky for me I already have a xbox 360. Unlucky for me I don't have said game (Gears of War). Well, either way, its still good to be a nerd; I'm just a nerd on a budget (note the lack of THAT word in the title).. /sigh/ But it does look that good. Nearly every review site has the game either perfect (100/100 at 1up) or near perfect. I'll let you know more when I find 60 bucks.

Here's two shots from the game (one outdoor, one a cave level). Yes its a "shooter" game, but also (supposedly) combines in a lot of "Think and Sneak".


Of course, even with all these great new games and systems, if you ask nearly any of my friends "how's THE game?", its World of Warcraft you're talking about; and I've managed to get lucky enough to get into the testing group for the NEW part of THE game.

Exciting times to be a nerd. Good thing I'm a nerd.


Photo Monday (11/6)

Two weeks in a row. We'll see if I can keep this up. Next Monday might be a hair late, as I think we're heading up to the cabin.

As always, fun captions. Or at least I think they are.


Link Friday!

Sorry most of these links are that "funny". I really like to mix in a good chunk of humor, but Viacom made Youtube (now owned by Google now) pull down all the Comedy Central videos (which include Daily Show, Colbert Report and others I like to show).

So, for this week. Serious stories!

Okay, so maybe not *all* seriously. Mom - I found your long lost great aunt:

100, driving, and... still working.

Sad news:

Bob Barker retires. Spay and Neuter your pets!

One for you dad:

Pictures of the highest elevation tornado ever recorded

And one for everyone who drives to work - it could be worse:
In english russia, traffic slow you

Video Time!

Vote Vernon Robinson for Congress (yes, this is a real add (North Carolina) just simply ... amazing). /sigh

Keith Olbermann on Michael J. Fox vs Rush Limbaugh

Katie Couric interviewing Fox after Limbaugh. Fox shows his class


Olberman on how the GOP completely spun John Kerry's comments



From having a slew more bills to pay, to remember to buy milk and bread on the way home (that's been a failing attempt the last two days), I'm definitely still in the adjustment period with the new house. Softball season is officially over, so my left knee is rejoicing in that fact (its the one that always takes the brunt of me sliding on too-hard-to-really-be-dirt infields we play on). On top of that volleyball will be over Thursday after next. I'll finally be able to put on my winter fat at a respectable rate.

As you saw in the pictures on Monday we had a wonderful Halloween party last Saturday. I'm not sure who won as best costume, but Melissa and Jason are word-find queen and king (The liquor guarding scarecrow and the 80s girl).

Well, going to leave this short and sweet again; though check back this Friday, I'm sitting on a couple good links.